Zeni Ballazhi
Artist Presentation |
 | Name: Zeni Ballazhi Born: 1975, Kėrēovė/Kicevo, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Country of Residence: Kosova Specialities: Other Promoted By: Self promotion Name: Zeni Ballazhi
Born: 1975, (Kichevo), Macedonia.
BFA (1998), Academy for Visual Arts in Tirana, Albania.
MFA (2000), Faculty of Arts in Prishtina, Kosovo. Specialized in Visual Arts at The Oslo National College of the Arts (2000), ONCA in Oslo, Norway.
He had several solo exhibitions (Kicevo, Macedonia; 1996; Prishtina, Kosovo; 2000, 2001; Skopje, Macedonia 2014) and took part in many group exhibitions (Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Georgia, France, Japan, Norway, Texas, Slovenia, Hungary, Greece, Austry, Croatia, Switzerland). He is curator of many group and personal exhibition organized in Kosovo and abroad, (2003-2015); (AS 2002, YOU 2003, Artists of tomorrow 2002, 2007, M.Mulliqi Prize 2008, NET/RRJET 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 etc). Worked as a set designer on films and theatre performances (Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Norway). Worked as a curator and art critic. Winner of several national and international awards.
On 26 December 2012, on the occasion of "100 Years of Independence", decorated by the President of the Republic of Albania "Medal of Gratitude". No. Decree 7890.
Since 2001 works as a curator at the National Gallery of Kosovo and
Since 2013 is engaged professor in the branch of Conceptual Art at the Faculty of Arts - University of Prishtina and State University of Tetova-Macedonia.
It's the end of the doctoral studies in the branch of the Albanian Art History Sciences, the academic year 2012-2015 at the QSA Center of Albanological Studies, Tirana, Albania.
Lives and works in Prishtina, Kosovo.
Personal Exhibitions |
 | 2014, I'm  Place: National Gallery Skopje Macedonia, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Description: personal exhibition
zeni ballazhi 2001, informacion  Place: Media House, Kosova 2000, Untitled  Place: The Gallery of Architecture - Prishtina, Kosova 1996, First Place: Cultural House - Kėrēova, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
Group Exhibitions |
 | 2015, The essence of Existence  Place: Gallery Lauba , Croatia Description: http://nationalgallery.mk 2013, Bread and Salt Place: Gallery Palais Porcia Viena-Austria, Austria Description: Gallery Palais Porcia Viena-Austria 2013, Plain Art XV  Place: erlin gallery-Budapest, Hungary Description: Contemporary Art Festival, Budapest 2011, Fragmenti Place: Contemporary Art Museum Skopje, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Description: Contemporary Art Museum Skopje, Macedonia 2009, Identities, Biennal of Young Artists Place: Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of 2009, ART Factor Place: Skopje Museum, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Description: International Exhibition, Skopje Museum, Macedonia 2009, White night Place: Skopje, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Description: International Festival, Skopje, Macedonia 2009, AKTO Place: Bitola, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Description: International Festival, Bitola, Macedonia 2008, Cataclysme and Creativity, Art in an Age of Uncert Place: Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of 2008, Cataclysme and Creativity, Art in an Age of Uncert Place: Weil Gallerey at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, United States 2007, Videorats  Place: Celje, Slovenia, Slovenia  2007, Kosovo symbols  Place: The Kosova Art Gallery-Prishtina, Kosova, Kosova Description: Kosovo symbols 2006, Virtual Army Place: Svaneti, Georgian National Gallery, Georgia Description: Land Art 2004, 28 November  Place: City Gallery - Gostivar, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of 2003, videofest 2003 Place: The Center of Contemporary Art-Prishtina, Kosova 2003, Onufri 2003 Place: National Gallery-Tirana, Albania 2003, LA ROUTE DE LA PAIX Place: galerie ARTITUDE-Paris, France 2003, The international exhibition of peace Place: galerie HIBIYA de TOKYO, Japan  2003, YOU  Place: The Kosova Art Gallery-Prishtina, Kosova  2002, '90 years states, cultures, arts...  Place: The Kosova Art Gallery-Prishtina, Kosova  2002, PORTRAIT  Place: The Kosova Art Gallery-Prishtina, Kosova  2002, AS  Place: The Kosova Art Gallery-Prishtina, Kosova  2001, I-international photo exhibition Place: The Kosova Art Gallery-Prishtina, Kosova  2001, art against the violence  Place: The Kosova Art Gallery, Kosova  2000, the art as an arena discovering conflics  Place: Academy of Fine Arts - Oslo, Norway Description: workshop I 1999, revenge-modern fossil Place: The Gallery of Fine Arts Academy-Tirana, Albania 1998, untitled Place: The Gallery of Fine Arts Academy - Tirana, Albania 1997, untitled Place: Cultural Hous - Dibėr, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of 1997, youth and drugs Place: Culture Center BAHA'I, Albania 1996, untitled Place: National Historic Museum-Tirana, Albania 1995, tunel '95 Place: National Art Gallery - Tirana, Albania 1995, spring '95 Place: National Art Gallery - Tirana, Albania 1994, visual art club Place: Cultural House - Kėrēova, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
Awards |
 | 2012, 100 vjet pavaresi  Event: Place: Description: Shqiponjė festive, e konceptuar figurativisht si njė kompozicion mjaft i qėlluar pėr rastin
e festimit tė Pavarsisė jo vetėm nė Shqipėri, por nė tė gjithe globin kudo ku jetojnė shqiptarė. Ngjyrat vizualisht janė kombėtare me njė kreatur mjaft bash 2012, Medal of Gratitude  Event: Tirana, Albania Place: Presidence of the Republic of Albania, Albania Description: 2012, In the case of "100 Years of Independence", decorated by the President of the Republic of Albania "Medal of Gratitude" 2012, Medal of Gratitude  Event: Tirana, Albania Place: Presidence of the Republic of Albania, Albania Description: 2012, In the case of "100 Years of Independence", decorated by the President of the Republic of Albania "Medal of Gratitude" 2007, design emblems Event: first prize Place: Residence of President- Pristina, Kosova Description: design 4 president emblems 2007, design 2 post stamps in PTK  Event: award Place: PTK - Philately of Kosova, Kosova 2006, Year children Illustrator-design Event: third prize Place: Culture Center - Tirana, Albania, Albania 2004, logo - design Event: firs prize Place: Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts, Kosova 2003, design stamps  Event: award Place: PTK - Philately of Kosova, Kosova Description: design 2 post stamps in PTK 1999, Revenge-Modern Fossil Event: first prize Place: The Gallery of Fine Art Academy - Tirana, Albania Description: Anton Ceta Eminent Missionary of Kosova, for the art prize: "The Canon of Leka" 1997, youth & drugs Event: second prize Place: Cultural Center Bahai-Tirana, Albania |
Contact Information |