
Agron Bytyqi

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Mother's Mission

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Artist Presentation

Name: Agron Bytyqi
Born: 1974, Kravasari, Malisheva, Kosova
Country of Residence: Kosova
Specialities: Painting
Promoted By: Self promotion
Agron BYTYÇI was born in 1974 in Kravasari, municipality of Malisheva. He was graduated from Academy of Figurative Arts in Prishtina in 1996, at the class of Professor Rexhep Ferri. He received master degree in 2000 under the same tutorship.

Group Exhibitions

2000, Biennial of Drawing 
Place: Art Gallery, Prishtina, Kosova 

Education and Training

2000, Master Degree 
Education type: High Education, 1 Year
Institution: Academy of Figurative Arts, Kosova 
Description: Graduated at the class of Professor Rexhep Ferri.
1992-1996, Figurative Arts 
Education type: High Education, 4 Year
Institution: Academy of Figurative Arts, Kosova 
Description: Graduated at the class of Professor Rexhep Ferri.

Contact Information
